3. Project: 700 Linden Sign Program, Project 21-2090-ARB/SIGN Address: 700 Linden Avenue
Applicant: Michael Stroh, DMHA Architects, for CHT, LLC
Planner: Nick Bobroff
Request of Michael Stroh, DMHA Architects, architect/agent for CHT, LLC, to consider project 21-2090-ARB/SIGN for preliminary review of a comprehensive sign program for the 700 Linden multi-tenant commercial development currently under construction. The proposed comprehensive sign program would provide specifications on the permissible types, locations, sizes, and designs of tenant signage and other building signage, murals and graphics for the entire multi-tenant commercial development. The property is a 0.69-acre site, zoned Central Business (“CB”) district with a Visitor-serving Commercial (“V”) overlay district, and shown as APN 003-313-001, addressed as 700 Linden Avenue.