3) Dish Wireless Telecommunications Facility
Planner: Brian Banks
Project 24-2292-CUP/CDP
Address: 6267 Carpinteria Avenue
Applicant: Harold Thomas Jr, MD7 Architecture, for Dish Wireless, LLC
Hearing at the request of Dish Wireless, LLC to consider Project 24-2292-CUP/CDP (application filed April 11, 2024) for a Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit to allow installation of a new wireless telecommunications facility on an existing multi-story office building including the installation of three (3) 8-foot wireless telecommunication antennas, six radios and associated rooftop equipment, and architectural screening materials to visually shield the antennas under the provisions of the Carpinteria Municipal Code (CMC) §14.56 - Wireless Communications and §14.62 - Conditional Use Permit; and to accept a categorical exemption pursuant to §15301 and §15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. The application involves APN 001-190-056, addressed as 6267 Carpinteria Avenue.