2) Via Real Hotel Time Extension
Planner: Brian Banks
Applicant: Kevin Kohan, agent, for RAM Hotels
Project 16-1822-DP/CDP/TEX
Address: 4110 Via Real
Hearing on the request of RAM Hotels to consider Project 16-1822-DP/CDP/TEX (request filed October 28, 2024) for approval of a 12-month time extension to the previously-approved Development Plan and Coastal Development Permit to allow the removal of an existing 5,678 square foot former church building and all associated improvements, and the construction of a two-story, 72-guestroom, 44,191 square foot hotel and associated improvements under the provisions of the Carpinteria Municipal Code (CMC) §14.20 - Commercial Planned Development District and §14.49 - Residential Overlay District; and to determine that no further environmental review is required pursuant to §15162 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. The application involves APN 004-017-022, addressed as 4110 Via Real.