2) Runnfedlt Automobile Storage Project
Planner: Brian Banks Project # 23-2251-CUP/CDP
Address: 1025 Cindy Lane
Applicant: Ray Ames, Foothill Design Group
Hearing on the request of Ray Ames, Foothill Design Group, to consider Project 23-2251-CUP/CDP (application filed September 8, 2023) for a Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit to allow personal storage of up to nineteen collectable automobiles within an existing approximately 7,550 square foot tenant space in a multitenant industrial/research commercial building; and to accept a categorical exemption pursuant to §15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. The application involves APN 001-190-056, addressed as 1025 Cindy Lane.