Meeting Time: February 13, 2025 at 5:30pm PST


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Agenda Item

2. Project: The Palms Renovation, Project 24-2303-DP/CDP/ARB Address: 701 Linden Avenue Applicants: Laurel Perez, agent for 701 Linden LLC Planner: Brian Banks Hearing on the request of Laurel Perez, agent for 701 Linden LLC, to consider Project 24-2303-DP/CDP/ARB for final review of an interior and exterior renovation of the "Palms" building and conversion of a portion of the roof to a covered bar and uncovered lunge area. The project would include a restaurant and market/café retail area on the ground floor, a banquet/event space on the second floor, and a bar and dining area on the roof. The project includes replacement of the non-original first floor addition along the Linden Avenue frontage with a covered patio dining area, removal of an existing stairway on the Seventh Street frontage, partial demolition and renovation of the existing stairway at the rear of the building, the addition of an elevator, and new and renovated landscaping. The maximum height of the rooftop bar trellis roof would reach 31 feet-eight inches, with an overall building height to the top of the elevator tower reaching 36 feet-10 inches. The resultant building would have a floor area of approximately 9,949 square feet and ground floor and rooftop patio areas totaling approximately 2,909 square feet. A total of 9 parking spaces would be provided. The property is a 11,453 square foot parcel zoned Central Business (CB), and shown as APN 003-311-007, addressed as 701 Linden Avenue.

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