2. Project: Dish Wireless Telecommunications Facility, 24-2292-CUP/CDP/ARB
Address: 6267 Carpinteria Avenue
Applicant: Harold Thomas Jr, MD7 Architecture, for Dish Wireless, LLC
Planner: Brian Banks
Request of Harold Thomas Jr, MD7 Architecture, for Dish Wireless, LLC to consider Project 24-2292-CUP/CDP/ARB for final review of a proposal for collocation of a new wireless telecommunications facility on an existing multi-story office building which currently hosts an existing Verizon Wireless facility. The request includes the installation of six (6) 8-foot wireless telecommunication antennas, twelve radios and associated rooftop equipment, and outdoor screening materials to visually shield the antennas. The equipment cabinets and ancillary equipment would be located behind an existing secondary rooftop mechanical screen. The proposed antenna screening enclosure would reach a height of 39 feet 4-inches. The property is a 3.73-acre parcel zoned Industrial Research Park (M-RP) and shown as APN 001-190-056, addressed as 6267 Carpinteria Avenue.