Meeting Time: January 16, 2025 at 5:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

1. Project: Rolph Residence Addition and Remodel, Project 22-2182-ARB/CDP Address: 4715 Aragon Drive Applicant: Alex Pujo, architect, for Mark Rolph Planner: Syndi Souter Request of Alex Pujo, architect, for Mark Rolph, to consider project 22-2182-ARB/CDP for final review of a request to construct 852 square-feet of additions to the first floor of the existing residence, a new 408 square-foot covered patio with a jacuzzi and outdoor kitchen, an interior remodel, and demolition of an existing bedroom. The resultant residence would be 2,875 square feet in size and the maximum roof ridge height of the residence would remain unchanged at 22 feet. The property is a 9,147 square-foot parcel zoned Single Family Residential (7-R-1) and shown as APN 003-600-036, addressed as 4715 Aragon Drive.