4. Project: Saticoy Mixed-Use Concept, Project 22-2156-CON
Address: 4209 Carpinteria Avenue
Applicant: Brian Banks, agent, for Saticoy Development, LLC
Planner: Syndi Souter
Request of Brian Banks, agent, for Saticoy Development, LLC, to consider Project 22-2156-CON for conceptual review of a proposal to construct a new 3,825 square-foot two-story commercial/residential building, a new 3,076 square-foot two-story residential building, and a new 1,476 square-foot eight-car carport. The property is a 10,590 square foot parcel zoned Commercial Planned Development (CPD/R) and shown as APN 003-212-025, addressed as 4209 Carpinteria Avenue.