2) Project: Coastal Family School, 21-2099-CUPR/CDP
Address: 5026 Foothill Road
Applicant: Pastor Pennington, agent for the First Baptist Church of Carpinteria
Planner: Marysol Smith
Hearing on the request of Pastor Pennington, agent for the First Baptist Church of Carpinteria, to consider Project 21-2099-CUPR/CDP for a Conditional Use Permit amendment and a Coastal Development Permit (application filed March 15, 2021) to allow for the installation of two portable classrooms for a new elementary school that would include pre-school and K-6 grades and would grow over the course of a five-year phased enrollment plan for a total of 94 students under the provisions of the Community Facility (CF) Zone District; and to approve the Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) previously prepared for a K-8 grade school pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. The Addendum to the MND and all documents referenced therein may be reviewed at the Community Development Department, 5775 Carpinteria Avenue, Carpinteria. The Addendum to the MND is also available for review on the City of Carpinteria website. The application involves APN 004-004-0215, addressed as 5026 Foothill Road.